Referrals are the lifeblood of sales. They convert better than any other sales channel and afford a more natural and authentic sales process.
84% of all buying decisions start with a referral.
But they don't happen as much as they should. Too often an investor, advisor or friend could have made the difference between closed-lost and closed-won, they simply weren't aware.
Like us, the team at GTMfund is obsessed with solving this problem. Scott and I were brainstorming how we could fix this referral logjam. A "referral playbook"? Boring. A podcast series? Meh.
We decided to go bigger.
Today, we're excited to launch our creation. We're calling it the "Warm Intro Navigator" or WIN for short.
WIN is a free, working product and, unlike it's predecessor, WIN is all about warm intros. It's deceptively simple:
Step 1: enter your company
Step 2: get a shareable portal containing your (1) blurb (2) content (3) target accounts and (4) buyer personas.
These are the ingredients your supporters need to fulfill a referral. Now they're easier than ever to compile and share.
What's more: because it's built on Cabal, we power the drafting and delivery of email referrals and reveal where supporters have matching connections to your target account and buyer personas.
Describing it with words is frankly a disservice. Just try for yourself:
To see it live in action, check out Cabal's WIN page ...and while you're there we wouldn't mind some referrals 😘
Happy selling!